Welcome to Hartpury

Hartpury is a rural parish in Gloucestershire of 3,500 acres with a population of around 700.
It is five miles north of the city of Gloucester, and whilst the main village straddles the A417, many of the older buildings including the Church lie close to the River Leadon, about 1.5 miles away. It is often described as a village with 5 ends (Blackwells End, Buttersend, Corsend, Moorend, Murrells End) and no centre!
The church is in a lovely setting with the Tithe Barn and Watermill (both private) nearby.

Hartpury Heritage Trust owns the Old Chapel Hall alongside  the Church, the Bee Shelter in the churchyard, and Hartpury Orchard Centre with the National Perry Pear Collection.

The Trust organises various events through the year – see facebook

Books and leaflets are published by the Trust – see Publications

Hartpury & Perry


The village name ‘Hartpury’ is derived from the Saxon word for the pear: Hardepirige – a hard pear, like the perry pear. There is a perry pear known as the Hartpury Green recorded as early as 1662.

The Trust owns the national perry pear collection at Hartpury Orchard Centre, where perry is once again being made.

Church and Old Chapel Hall


Clustered around Hartpury church is a fine group of ancient buildings lovingly maintained over the centuries by the parishioners. Many of these need the careful attention of experts and volunteers, to continue to keep them in good order.

Tithe Barn and Watermill


The magnificent Tithe Barn opposite the church, and Watermill nearby, are in private ownership, but easily viewed from the road.
